Xem Nhiều 9/2024 # Core Asian Wedding Custom Bao Nhiêu Tiền? Mua Ở Đâu Giá Rẻ? # Top Yêu Thích

A traditional holiday celebration of love and responsibility is a key Asian wedding custom. Despite the 60 to 70 years of Soviet/russian concept https://reseau.wp2.siteo.com/category/pansexual-dating/, some customs have survived and even been revived by nomadic persons who want to honor their grandparents. The service consists of some stages, including matchmaking, gathering of the in- laws and encounter of bride and groom, a colorful feast in the bride’s home and seeing off the bride.

The earliest period is the consequently- called “bride’s farewell party”. The wedding and her home carry a great group turkmen women where music are sung and anyone drinks koumiss. Therefore the wife is masked with a mask and escorted to her innovative father’s camp in a parade. The ayatollah supervises the full celebration.

The groom presents his wife’s female relatives with gifts as the two families prepare for a lavish feast on the day of the wedding ( nikokh ). The wedding also contributes a sizable dowry known as the jasau in some parts of the nation. It may contain of animals, cattle, income, embelleshment and clothing.

For a ceremony known as” Kelin Salom” or” Salom Beru,” the bride wears a traditional dress and veil to the wedding reception. She subsequently bows obediently to her elder friends and in-laws. She bids her farewells to her joyful adolescence by embracing marriage in this ceremony.

His father-in-law had previously prepared a bed and put on twelve bowls of rice as an omen of fertility and longevity for the couple after the official wedding ceremony ( nikokh ) took place in the groom’s house. The kids of the newly married couple then scramble for these grains, pistachios, oranges, and apples.

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